Computer Intelligence (CI) was a part of Ziff-Davis when Ziff Davis was a, Computer Intelligence, a Ziff-Davis company, is the leading source of fact-based information for the computer and communications industries. CI's extensive research capabilities provide a wide variety of products and services that help computer and communications companies sell and market more effectively. All of the company's products and services are based on proprietary information databases built and maintained by CI specialists. Headquartered in La Jolla, Computer Intelligence has offices in Cambridge, Mass.; Farmington, Conn.; Sunnyvale, Calif.; Dallas, Tex.; and Europe. Samples of CI's extensive market data and research results, timely commentary from industry authorities and previews of upcoming technology events are available on the company's site on the World Wide Web, Ziff-Davis, a Softbank company, is the leading provider of special-interest content about the Internet and computing. The quality and quantity of this content attract the largest and most powerful audience of early adopters and opinion leaders in both the business and consumer markets. Ziff-Davis enables advertisers to reach this audience effectively and efficiently through an integrated system of print, online, and broadcast media.
Harte-Hanks Market Intelligence Worked with technical and strategic representatives of Harte-Hanks Market Intelligence to devise solutions to assist global companies in dynamically integrating Computer Intelligence information into internal sales and market intelligence initiatives. See also our case study of Business Intelligence Optimization.
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